Jacklyn Dougherty

Basic Ballet Terms To Know For Class

Basic Ballet Releve

Releve [ ruhl-VAY]. Raised. A raising of the body on the pointe or demi- pointes.

Basic Ballet Attitude Derriere

Dance position in ballet where one leg and both arms are raised. The raised leg can extend either into the front or the back. If the raised leg is fixed towards to the back the posture is called Attitude Derriere, meaning to the back.

Basic Ballet Attitude Devant

Dance position in ballet where one leg and both arms are raised. The raised leg can extend either into the front or the back. If the raised leg is fixed towards to the front the posture is called Attitude Devant, meaning to the front.

Basic Ballet Pirouette

Pirouette [peer-WET]. Spin. A complete turn of the body on one foot, on pointe or demi-pointe. Pirouettes are performed en dedans, turning inward toward the supporting leg, or en dehors, turning outward in the direction of the raised leg.

Basic Ballet Reverence

Reverence [ray-vay-rahnss] paying respect to something of someone is authority, as a ballet teacher, or at the end of ballet performing an act of reverence.

Basic Ballet Tendu

Tendu, tendue [tahn -DEW]. Stretched.

Basic Ballet Echappe

Echappe [ ay-sha-PAY ]. Escaping movement. Level opening of both feet from a closed to an open position.

Basic Ballet Grand Battement

Batterie, grande [ grahnd bat-REE ]. Large beating steps. Comprises all the beaten steps requiring elevation, cabriole, grand jete dessus en tournant battu, entrechat de volée, etc..