Jacklyn Dougherty

Big Data Management & the Internet

How has the Internet changed the way that an organization manages information?

Information plays a very important role in the success of any organization. When well managed, information becomes available whenever needed (Malak, 2022). Internet technology has helped businesses to compete in the global market. It has enabled cloud storage in business organizations. Cloud storage has provided efficient data sharing, security, easy accessibility, and usability. It is also cost-efficient compared to physical storage infrastructure. The Internet has enabled organizations to understand their customer's needs by capturing data from social media, email addresses, and the use of cookies (WLG, 2018). This has greatly improved the sale of the products.

How can the internet help accelerate communication and program development in an organization?

The Internet has enabled people and organizations to share files, communicate, and purchase products online. The Internet has helped in video conferencing and VoIP (Vonage staff, 2017). VoIP has reduced the cost of calls made in an organization. Video conferencing has enabled organizations to carry out meetings without involving face-to-face communication and constant travel. The Internet has led to the emergence of eCommerce marketing (Vonage staff, 2017). Companies can sell their products globally. It has enabled customers to visit different stores and compare the prices before buying the products. It has enabled cloud communication since businesses can have access to information from anyone with an internet connection and credentials.

What is Big Data? How does Big Data management affect the average small to the medium organization?

Big data is a large volume of data collected in an organization that is too complex to be handled. Big data is said to grow exponentially with time. Examples of big data include; customer databases, transaction processing systems, internet clickstream logs, etc. Big data has helped businesses improve customer services, increasing profit (Talend, 2022). Organizations utilizing big data can gain a competitive edge in the global market. There is improved decision-making through social media mining (Talend, 2022). Social media mining has enabled organizations to conclude the buying behaviors of a customer, their interests, and customers' reaction to dealing with product promotions. Businesses can discover new ways to save costs and improve product quality (Devteam, 2022). Big data analytics helps prevent overlapping and redundancy and provides tools that enable easy access to data.


Devteam. (2022, March 18). Impact of big data on business – InData labs. InData Labs. https://indatalabs.com/blog/impact-of-big-data-on-business

Malak, H. A. (2022, August 2). What is information management? The complete guide. Information Management Simplified. https://theecmconsultant.com/what-is-information-management/

Talend. (2022, August 2). Big data for small business: A complete guide. Talend - A Leader in Data Integration & Data Integrity. https://www.talend.com/resources/big-data-small-business/

Vonage staff. (2017, September 7). How the Internet changed communication in business. Telefone comercial, VoIP, Communications APIs, Contact Center | Vonage. https://www.vonage.com.br/resources/articles/how-the-internet-changed-communication-in-business/

WLG, G. (2018, October 3). 5 ways the Internet has changed business - Advertising, marketing & branding - Canada. Welcome to Monday. https://www.mondaq.com/canada/advertising-marketing-branding/741090/5-ways-the-internet-has-changed-business