Jacklyn Dougherty

It's Ballet Recital Time

It's Ballet Recital Time

Ballet students are getting ready all year for this one moment on center stage. They are counting down the minute till they get on stage. For some of the dancers this will their first time being a ballerina on center stage.

Getting everything ready is a huge task. One thing to remember as audience member (parent or friend). Is the flowers for your favorite performer. Easy DIY hack for your dancer flowers.

Photo Credit Jacklyn Dougherty

As you run into the grocery stores grabbing your dancer flowers, ask for a brown paper bag. Simple remove the plastic from the flowers. Gently wrap the brown bag around the flowers. The flowers warp in the brown bag vibes expensive flowers.

Remember to enjoy the show. Recital gift flowers are an amazing way to thank dancers of all ages. May you reach your center stage Much Love Jacklyn Dougherty