Jacklyn Dougherty

Making the Case in Organizations

Photo Credit Jacklyn Dougherty

My family background is diverse, and this case has helped me have an in-depth understanding of various traditions, practices, and cultures that are different from mine. Despite these differences, I still appreciate and value other cultures. As a chief diversity officer in my organization, I believe that valuing differences, involving ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, political views, or sexual orientation, enables the organization to attract not only potential employees but also some of the highest qualified and skilled talents for long term. Our organization can effectively serve diverse communities and customers by embracing and retaining a diverse workforce.

Various strategies could be implemented to realize diversity in the workforce, including top-to-bottom strategy, maximizing employee resource groups, eliminating unconscious bias, and cultivating a new mindset. First, the top-to-bottom business strategy requires that the top management educate and guide the junior employees about the importance of diversity (Derven, 2013). According to American Psychological Association, cultural transformation can only be achieved through cultural competence, which refers to comprehending, interacting, and appreciating individuals from different belief systems or cultures. Also, managers can facilitate training for employees about the essence of diversity.

Moreover, the company could implement Employee Resource Groups (ERG) for underrepresented populations like disabled people, minorities, veterans, and women. These groups offer a safe space for these people so that they can feel supported and heard. The company could also establish business impact networks that foster a sense of belonging to diverse cultures and communities (Harrison-Bernard et al., 2020). Besides, the company could try to eliminate unconscious bias. Employees in the organization should be aware of the possible unconscious assumptions, enabling them to make better decisions and have more inclusive interactions. Lastly, the company could cultivate a new mindset by using creative and innovative approaches.

In summary, embracing diversity and inclusion fosters new ideas and perspectives that prevent the organization from making poor decisions. Diversity promotes creativity and innovation, which is vital for the success of the business.


Derven, M. (2013). Diversity & Inclusion: Making the Business Case. Association for Talent Development.

Harrison-Bernard, L. M., Augustus-Wallace, A. C., Souza-Smith, F. M., Tsien, F., Casey, G. P., & Gunaldo, T. P. (2020). Knowledge gains in a professional development workshop on diversity, equity, inclusion, and implicit bias in academia. Advances in Physiology Education, 44(3), 286-294.