Jacklyn Dougherty

Quatrieme Ballet

Jacklyn Dougherty

Quatrieme [ka-tree-EM]. Fourth.

Quatrieme croisee derriere [ ka-tree-EM krwah-ZAY deh-RYEHR]. A term of the French School. Same as croise derriere.

Quatrieme croisee devant [ ka-tree-EM krwah-ZAY duh-VAHAf]. A term of the French School. Same as croise devant.

Quatrieme derriere, a la [a lah ka-tree-EM deh-RYEHR ]. To the fourth position back. A term implying that the foot is to be placed in the fourth position back a terre, or that a movement is to be made to the fourth position back en Fair. The position a la quatrieme derriere is one of the eight directions of the body, Cecchetti method, in which the dancer stands facing the audience, the arms in the second position and either foot pointed in the fourth osition back a terre or raised to the fourth position back en Fair. See illustrations

Quatrieme derriere, grande [ grahnd ka-tree-EM deh-RYEHR ]. Large fourth back. The fourth position back en Fair.

Quatrieme devant, a la [a lah ka-tree-EM duh-VAHAf]. To the fourth position front. A term implying that the foot is to be placed in the fourth position front a terre, or that a movement is to be made to the fourth position front en Fair. The position a la quatrieme devant is one of the eight directions of the body, Cecchetti method, in which the dancer stands facing the audience, the arms in the second position and either foot pointed in the fourth position front a terre or raised to the fourth position front en Fair. See illustrations.