Coupe Ballet
Coupe ballonne [ koo-PAY ba-law-NAY]. See Ballonne, coupe.
Coupe brise [ koo-PAY bree-ZAY ]. Also termed coupe jete. A compound step consisting of coupe dessous and jete battu dessus. After the coupe dessous the working leg is taken around to the back for the jete battu dessus. The beat should be done with both legs behind, not under the body.
Coupe-chasse-coupe-jete en tournant [ koo-PAY-sha-SAY-koo-PAY - zhuh-TAY ahn toor-NAHN]. A compound step consisting of a coupe dessous with about three-quarters of a turn en dehors, chasse en avant completing the turn, coupe dessous making a half-turn, and a grand jete en avant completing the turn. This step is usually executed in a series en manege. See Coupe-chasse en tournant; Coupe jete en tournant; Tour de reins.
Coupe-chasse en tournant [ koo-PAY-sha-SAY ahn toor-NAHN], A compound step consisting of a coupe dessous with a half-turn and a chasse en avant with a half-turn. A favorite finishing step from the Cecchetti method. This step should be done at a fast speed and with the body leaning at an angle.
Coupe dessous [ koo-PAY duh-SOO ]. Coupe under. A coupe is said to be dessous or under when one foot cuts under the heel of the supporting foot. Fourth position R foot back, pointe tendue. Demi-plie on the L foot, then with a spring draw the R foot toward the L foot and finish in fondu on the R foot in the place vacated by the L foot and with the L foot extended a la quatrieme devant a terre or demi-hauteur, depending on the movement to follow. Coupe dessous may also be done beginning with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere. Demi-plie on the L foot; spring into the air, extending the toes, and land on the R foot with the L foot sur le cou-de-pied devant. If the coupe is taken as a terre a terre step the dancer draws the R foot behind the L foot into the fifth position on the demi-pointes. Fondu on the R leg, raising the L foot sharply in front of the R ankle.
Coupe dessous en tournant [ koo-PAY duh-SOO ahn toor-NAHN] . Coupe under, turning. Fourth position L foot back, pointe tendue a terre. Execute a demi-rond de jambe en dedans with the L foot, a la demi-hauteur. Spring onto the L foot, making a complete turn to the right. Land in demi-plie on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant.
Coupe-fouette raccourci [ koo-PAY-fweh-TAY ra-koor-SEE]. This compound step consists of a coupe dessous, the foot that is cut away being whipped out to seconde en Fair, then whipped to the back of the supporting leg with a petit fouette followed by a temps leve. The step can be done in two ways: low, with the toe brushing the ground and a small temps leve; or high, with the extension at hip level and a well-lifted temps leve.
Coupe jete [koo-PAY zhuh-TAY]. See Coupe brise.
Coupe jete en tournant [koo-PAY zhuh-TAY ahn toor-NAHN]. A compound step consisting of a coupe dessous making a three-quarter turn and a grand jete en avant to complete the turn. The step is usually done in a series either en manege or en diagonale. See Tour de reins.