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How to do renversee ballet

Jacklyn Dougherty Learn how to renversee ballet, check out the video tutorial  Renversé,renversée[rahn-vehr-SAY].Upset,reversed. Spanish origin,this is the bending of the body during a turn in which the normal balance is upset but not the equilibrium. It applies to only three steps: a pirouette, a pas de bourrée en tournant and a détourné. The body bends from the waist, sideways and backward, the head following the movement of the body. Renversé may be performed en dehors and en dedans with either a relevé or a temps levé on the supporting foot. There are several varieties of renversé when performed en dehors. For renversé en dedans, check out our pirouette en ecarte and pirouette renversee   Renversé en dehors [rahn-vehr-SAY ahn duh-AWR]. Renversé turning outward. This step consists of a grand rond de jambe en dehors ending in attitude croisée, then a pas de bourrée dessous en tournant with a renversé movement of the body. Fifth position croisé, R foot front. Step R croisé en avant into a demi-plié on R, raising the L foot sur le cou-de-pied derrière, bending the torso and head to the right (L arm second position, R arm curved in front of body). Immediately coupé dessous L (L a
Jacklyn Dougherty how to renversee ballet

Learn how to renversee ballet, check out the video tutorial

Renversé,renversée[rahn-vehr-SAY].Upset,reversed. Spanish origin,this is the bending of the body during a turn in which the normal balance is upset but not the equilibrium. It applies to only three steps: a pirouette, a pas de bourrée en tournant and a détourné. The body bends from the waist, sideways and backward, the head following the movement of the body. Renversé may be performed en dehors and en dedans with either a relevé or a temps levé on the supporting foot. There are several varieties of renversé when performed en dehors. For renversé en dedans, check out our pirouette en ecarte and pirouette renversee

Renversé en dehors [rahn-vehr-SAY ahn duh-AWR]. Renversé turning outward. This step consists of a grand rond de jambe en dehors ending in attitude croisée, then a pas de bourrée dessous en tournant with a renversé movement of the body. Fifth position croisé, R foot front. Step R croisé en avant into a demi-plié on R, raising the L foot sur le cou-de-pied derrière, bending the torso and head to the right (L arm second position, R arm curved in front of body). Immediately coupé dessous L (L arm curved in front of body, R arm second); relevé L, executing a grand rond de jambe en dehors, finishing in attitude croisée derrière (arms open to second position, then the R arm moves above the head and the L arm is curved in front of the body); fondu L, bending the torso to the left and back, forcing the legs to exe- cute a pas de bourrée dessous en tournant (R arm moves downward to meet the L in the fifth position en bas) ending on the R foot with the torso and head bent to the right. The first two movements are done slowly with the pose in attitude held a moment, then a quick back-bend in pas de bourrée. Renversé en dehors may be performed sauté instead of relevé. There are various other preparatory steps, such as failli or coupé dessus, which may lead into renversé.

Renversé en écarté [rahn-vehr-SAY ah nay-kar-TAY]. Renversé thrown wide apart. Stand on the L leg in fourth Russian arabesque. Demi-plié and relevé on the L foot, bringing the R foot en tire-bouchon. At the same time the upper body bends force- fully to the right toward the raised knee. The body turns en dedans, then bends back. At the completion of the turn the L heel is placed firmly on the floor while the R leg immediately opens in the pose écarté derrière. Check out our Pirouette Renversee

Learn how to do ballet guide including Révérence and Rond de jambe

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