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What is a Girl Scouts Gold Award

What is the highest Girl Scouts award? The Girl Scouts Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout can earn. I earned my Girl Scout Gold Award in 2018, at the age of sixteen. Also in 2018 I earned the Young Women of Distinction. Stroll to the end of the blog to find out more about my journey to Girl Scout Gold.

Girl Scouts, Go get your Girl Scouts Gold Award. You can do, it's not easy but it's worth it. The process taught me a lot. How to handle adults asking questions. The community asked me a lot of questions, why? who? when?, etc. I was in a room standing with about 10 adults. They were sitting at a banquet table, stare at me, asking questions. I was prepared with facts, after approval, I was thrilled with the end results. Girl Scout Gold Award Alumni.

Read more about my project here:

The Girl Scouts Gold Award is the most prestigious award that Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors can earn. Fulfilling the requirements for the Gold Award starts with completing two Senior or Ambassador Journeys or having earned the Silver Award and completing on Senior or Ambassador Journey. The Gold Award is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts of the USA. Only 5.4% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully earn the Gold Award.

  • Create educational games

  • Create a website

  • Write a blog

  • Make a video about self-love, confidence, or interviews with veterans

  • Create a PSA

  • Create a social media campaign

  • Create tutorials to teach something

  • Create a comic book

  • Put together a collection or organize a drive to create awareness on your chosen topic

  • Create activity kits for afterschool programs

  • Prepare emergency kits for families, and bring awareness about emergency preparedness

  • Organize a community festival to highlight an issue you would like to address

  • Paint schools, benches, libraries, fences, or remove and update paint

  • Makeover school bathrooms (address issues like stall doors not closing, the lack of sanitary pads, etc.)

  • Run an extreme couponing campaign for your local pantry

  • Beautify your local library, school, bathrooms, or local park

  • Create petitions for children's playgrounds to install new equipment

  • Create petitions to create a dog park in your neighborhood

  • Plan to create a local garden

  • Start a recycling campaign

  • Conduct research and inform communities about an issue your community is facing.

  • Conduct workshops about art, anti-bullying, etc.

  • Bring awareness to a medical disease

For my Girl Scout Gold Award, I created Pink LadyBug. My project focused Skin Cancer Awareness and Protection, Sun Safety. I spoke to over 500 students educating them about Skin Cancer and Sun Safety. I created educational sun kits. They included sunglasses, sun screen, lip balm, sun safety | skin cancer information card.

Per Girl Scouts information.

For more about my project visit Pink Ladybug page.

Girl Scouts Gold Information.  Jacklyn Dougherty
Jacklyn Dougherty

Violin and Piano School Florida.  Zoom, Online and In Person Orlando Florida
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